Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Vintage reading

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On my last night in Victoria, I read at Russell Books with Julie Paul, Jane Eaton Hamilton, and Arleen Pare.

I went first. After a pre-reading meal at nearby Be Love with the other poets but minus the fictioneer.

(Yes, it was a vegetarian restaurant. Yes, I resisted the imperative even as I dabbed my seedy cracker in cashew cheese and a dark figgy spread.)

My thanks to Russell's and event coordinator Venessa Herman, to the other readers and the robust audience. And also to Yvonne, who passed me a Fisherman's Friend midway through Julie's reading, right when I needed it. (Tickly throat! Blargh!)

I'm home now and have washed my trip clothes. And unpacked my bag-of-books, and even used a bay leaf from the bouquet I picked from a tree. (PICKED FROM A TREE.)

But it was great fun to spend some time with BC poets, to dabble in the ocean and look at big mossy trees.

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